Student Accident Insurance

Student Accident Insurance 2017-18

Student Accident Insurance coverage is provided thru the Virginia Association of Counties Group SelfInsurance Risk Pool. Coverage includes supervised school time activities, physical education, athletics, extracurricular activities, and field trips. This coverage is secondary to all other insurance coverages and will pay eligible medical expenses not paid by other sources.

Franklin County Public Schools also provides catastrophic student accident insurance for those claims greater than $25,000 for Athletics. This includes middle school students participating in interscholastic competition including school supervised practice, tryouts, game-related activities and covered travel. Coverage is also provided to middle and high school students participating in out-of-season interscholastic practices not covered by the Virginia High School League’s catastrophic insurance program.

2017-18 Student Accident Insurance Schedule of Benefits

Catastrophic Claim Form

Student Accident Claim Form -Spanish

Student Accident Claim Form-Oct 2016

Voluntary Student Accident Insurance

Voluntary student accident/dental coverage is available thru Markel Insurance. Information is available at the Links below. You can also contact the school for further information or call the company’s toll free number at 1-877-444-5014. Enrollment can be done online at

Franklin County Public Schools provides this information as a service to parents and students and does not assume any responsibility or liability for the coverage provided by the insurance company.

Markel Brochure (Spanish)

Markel Brochure 2017-18

Markel Flyer 2017-18 (Spanish)

Markel Flyer 2017-18

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